Anti Christ: A Visual Mediation of Primitive Minds
Lars Von Trier registers the agony of marital sex , the integrity of which been subjected to murderous assaults by the sexuality theses of global capitalism. In the holy name of multiple diversity of sex, capitalism has launched a furious propaganda against male -female sex, particularly against monogamy , which has been reduced to a fragment of racial memory excavated from the woods of the collective unconscious. Of course in the present historical context .monogamous sex happens to be a curious fossil of primitivism for the post modern exercises of market ideology celebrates the inevitability and necessity of the schemes of non productive biology cited in Lesbianism gayism , transgenderism,bisexualism and all such perversions that would dismantle the sexual harmony of marital sex whereas biological fertility can be proceeded only through a marital family design.
The film is a voyage back to the pre-Christian ages.and the emotive dynamo of the visuals is invigorated by the fusion of surrealist frames of hidden reality and the open pictorial discourses of surfacing realism It is a journey back to the conjugal prototypes of Adam and Eve and the irony of a fall, cast them off to the forest reminiscent of Eden.
The metaphor of fall
The theme of fall in the old testament corresponds to the conjugal desire. Here also conjugal desire happens to be a punishable offence but in a situation antithetical to the testament. The god in the testament prohibits the experience and knowledge of sex; the vey act of sex itself is estimated as commitment of sin. The fall of the humans in the paradise is consequential to the novel experience of mating.
In the film, the fall of the child, unattended, drowned to the terror of death. is the cause that incites the panic of sin. The death of the child is a historical event, as in the post modern period , pre marital sex, extra marital sex and homosexuality are preferred to monogamous marital aesthetics of sex. In such a situation paternal identity as well as maternal identity of the child is diffused and it marks the historical death of the child’s familial identity. Child of course is the seminal problem of sexual extravaganza that has been glorified by the capitalist sex theorists. Female playwright Carryll Churchil and the likes feel that child is an unbearable liability in the present context of the feminist speculations of freedom. To do away with the child. is a philosophical issue, and the abortion- killing is an escapist device. We live in a world of condom vending machines ; we are afraid of child birth .How to exclude child from the terrain of the sexual extravaganza of premarital ., extra marital conjugations is a major problem .Homo sexuality is preferred to hetero sexuality as homosexuality liberates humanity from the liability of the child that constitutes the fundamental inevitability of family. The post modern sexuality denounces biological fertility and seeks conjugal pleasure bonded to sterility. The death of the child by fall , marks a negative shift in the civilization. It marks the death of human biology.
The question why conjugal pleasure is prohibited by the archaic power structure supposed to be supernatural, demands historical investigation. The testaments were written not in the period of savagery but at a time of transition from barbarism to civilization, the period which marks the genesis of serfdom. Female as well as male slaves were then castrated with a view to extract maximum labour and subjugation. The ruling tribes that mutilated the genital organs of the slaves sought moral justification .for their treacherous act and the primitive priesthood justified castration by the word of god raising admonition even against the proto typical mating. The slaves, male and female were castrated for the same reason for which bulls are castrated even in the present century. Sterility sterilization and celibacy were honoured in the civilization as per the laws of necessity that sustained the interest of the ruling class. The circumcision of the males and females performed by certain religious sects are rituals emerging from the early castrations inflicted upon the tribes of slaves
Castration Anxiety
Mutilation of the genital organs of the male and female transmutes the structure of feeling in the film diction toward a deep historic horror that digs deep into cerebral recesses of genetic memory. The violence of the nightmarish castration is not an excess of surrealistic grammar but a strand of bleeding ultra reality plucked out of the post-modern marketised existence that annihilates the fertile biology of the humans and its aesthetics realized with the child. Castration anxiety was a reality that haunted the serfdom of archaic times but it is revived in the present by the forces of market economy. Castration is performed as an act of self penance, feeling guilt over the death of the child abandoned at the time of mating. Castration is penance as well as a journey back to the terror of primitivism.
Castration anxiety is the dominant structure of feeling in the film and the foregrounding of castration anxiety is probably an inevitable happening that unfurls from the unconscious of the artist. This foregrounding is spontaneous and not a conspired artifice.
Freud while defining castration fear confines it to the dungeon of infancy, and fancies oedipal situation in the genesis of fear in the male child He argues that the female child suffers the feeling of castration due to the lack of penis which is supposed to be the vital organ of sexuality. His observations are fantastic jokes as he ignores history of sex as well as history of terror emerging from the castration experiences etched in genetic memory. The humans living with butchered genitals is not a gory fantasy but a reality that haunts existence of the present and would haunt the memory of the humans ever.
Why castration fear is fore grounded as the seminal disturbance of the present age? Even T.S. Eliot and a bunch of modernists complained of a devastating monotone of sterility but for false reasons such as the death of spirituality. Spirituality is the antithesis of sexuality and the malignancy of spiritualism in no way injures positive sexuality. But the death of child by condom , abortion or castration is the necessity of capitalist market economy, which advances entreaties for the liquidation of the institution of family.
A barren conjugal pleasure devoid of the terror of child birth is the necessity of the consumerist imagination; a person who enjoys conjugal pleasure with no weight of a family or child is free to enjoy the consumerist pleasure to the bottom level for he or she is not bound to find food, cloth and shelter for a child or family. That is why the cultural affairs minister of Kerala proposed legislation for homo- sexuals who would never produce a biological child that would disturb the freedom of consumerist sterility. In the present age of women empowerment, if one turns a lesbian , or moves by the path of premarital or extra marital exorbitant sex it would undo the emotional design of the family and consequently the commodification of the female body that would boost the potentials of the market at different levels becomes an easy affair. The cause of the eunachs, transgenders and homosexuals , fly high all over the world demonstrating the justice of castrated human existence. The child neglected and ignored against the festival of conjugation falls and dies imposing ulcerous wounds of castration upon the physique and psyche of the parents. Mother hood and father hood are dismantled in the wild; They are never more father and mother as the child ceases to exist The death of the child is a historical inevitability and the father and the mother realizes the fact that they cannot escape the destiny of castration. It is scripted upon their skull by the machines of marketism -- S.Sudhish
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