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The online edition of 'PAATOM' Magazine founded by MN Vijayan -

In the Context of diffusion of imperialist machinery into the Indian Communist movements PAATOM raises indignant resistance against the hell of ideology and praxis vitiated by the pseudo Marxist goons of imperium.

'PAATOM' is a resistance from the deepest of the racial sanctity of humanity nursed by the leftist political ethos. "PAATOM" is the voice of honest determination, that means to uncover the treacherous objects concealed beneath the mystery of hegemonic jargon.

We offer a laborious contribution to the truly humanist interventions that would enlarge the circumference and depth of emotional and intellectual perceptions.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Launching the Cultural Struggle

Forum For Cultural Struggle Against Financial Terrorism
M.N.Vijayan Samskarika Vedi

The heart that blends compassionate humanist perceptions with the native aesthetic idiom of communist ideology still throbs invalidating death.It is an inspiring absence breathing life in the chronicles of history.Our dear, dear Vijayan mash is not a name , not an individual but a historical presence that subverts the idolatrous politics.The subdued prophecy of a triumphant cultural struggle germinates from his voice and we launch this forum for cultural struggle converting his name into an idea that captains a noble battle against the dread of financial colonialism.

The cultural struggle against financial colonialism was initiated in PAATOM, edited by Mash in 2003 as it exposed the nefarious agenda beneath the comprehensive funding projects of U.S.colonialism.The colonial hegemony established through the malicious politics of funding and the filthy routes of subjugation were exposed with sharp rational acumen.The Communist Party of India(Marxist) fell victim to the deceptive but aggressive funding as the senior leadership of the party failed to detect the infiltration of U.S.agents into its head. A group of pseudo intellectuals of the J.N.U pedigree nurtured by the colonial funding agencies intruded into the cerebral cortex of the party concealing their financial ties with imperialism .

Monday, June 29, 2009

PAATOM -- august-september 2009

M.N.Vijayan Samskarika Vedi : M.N.Vijayan cultural forum :
Forum for cultural struggle lifted from the live memory prints of dear , dear Vijayan mash.

  • CIA HAPPENINGS Part 1: Two Miserable Portraits
  • Surrogate Capital And Other Songs - nachikethas
  • Inverted Coma; Inspite of the beams --- nachikethas
  • The Editorial Treachery
  • NGO Armoury: The conquest of water---s.sudhish
  • LOKSABHA ELECTIONS : Prakash and co. fail to uproot CPM
  • Mikhael Bakhtin: Creative Marxist conceptions --- gokul
  • Evald Ilyenkov & Studies on Dialectics of Capital -- gokul
  • Theodore Adorno & Negative Dialectics --- gokul
  • Comments
  1. CIA HAPPENINGS Part 2: The Portrait of A CIA Man As A Forged Communist
  2. Kamala das: The death of the author and the sentimental tragedy of self -projection Conversion of the christian youth towards Islamic terrorism and kamala's conversion to semi- taliban, Purdah--Kamala and Taslima , Kamala and Sylvia Plath.




He is not at all a CIA man but he dedicated the whole length of his life in a platter to the interests of the CIA dons and goons. He perceives the blunt touch of a visionary and prophet in the blinded sight of his soul. So he estimates himself as the SUPERIOR ADVISOR; but not even a single person that extracts his utility for political malice provides permissive sanction to the claim he makes for the title.It is the wish of a man confounded in the psychic deafness of despair.His dream of being or becoming a prophet is only the broken tail of a desire that floats in his evolutionary memory of errors. It is ambition disproportionate to his defunct intelligence . He is used , overused, misused and treacherously abused by his political dons.For a moment's mischievous applause and a pocketful promises he would hire his lip service to persons and sites invested with power irrespective of creed ,credibility and credentials of notoriety. Einstein is a visionary and prophet as he unveils the one and only infinity in the universe , that is human stupidity .There is no infinity in the universe except human stupidity that insists faith in the philosophy of the infinite.It is the physicist defence of the relativity thesis, but its application enlarges the range of Humanities. The SUPERIOR ADVISOR is an exemplary figure that substantiates Einstien's theory of stupidity.The theory is not not a satirical assault upon the mystic infinite. It is truth un mystified.

In certain disgusting situations humans have no other go but to get subjugated under the impelling pressure of stupidity. In the history of every race a crisis would emerge unsheathing a question: what is your choice? You want to die as a man of moral soil or to live the life of a clown?
In rotten times an existence morally alive is un affordable .So, as and when all the world is a stage, you make a choice between the role of a man of honour and that of a clown . The choice is that of a clown who compromises with the malignancy of situations .A festival of stupidity is the asylum of a race, morally intimidated.A clown is a condensed figure of mocking self penance.The self assumed dis figuration of the body and distorted cries of laughter contain immeasurable despondency repressed in the labyrinth of irony.It is the historical definition of clown.

The communist politics of of the neo colonial Kerala is a full fledged comedy where every dumb viewer as well as actor on stage, is a signature of infinite stupidity .The comic hero of the clown's auditorium is the archaeological figure of an intellectual ,Sukumar , who is the self-declared Lieutenant of the linguistic campaign of the CIA sponsored anti-communist liberation struggle of 1959.The anti communist litterateur who received favours from the CIA for the production of the idiotic anti communist abuses now makes an astounding declaration that he is the SUPERIOR ADVISOR and patron saint of the degenerate caricature of a communist party, the CPM , a diffident bundle of ideological contradictions.

Now Kerala is is a comedy of horror where the ghost of the obsolete litterateur of the CIA sponsored Liberation Struggle and the patron saint of the dilapidated CPM, comrade Sukumar casts aspersions upon comrade Achuthanandan, an old man with life long communist experiences of the right and wrong commitments of the movement.Comrade Sukumar,once the aggressive vocal activator of the 1959 CIA project and later the vociferous worshiper of of the 1975 Emergency, challenges the communist loyalty of comrade. Achuthanadan and designates him as a creature excreting where upon he sits.The CIA goons who made a strategic conquest of the skin beneath the CPM skull celebrated in full throat, the contagious vocal spell of comrade.Sukumar,the CIA ally who lead the propagandist wagon of the of the fifty year old liberation struggle. Patrick Moynihan and T.M.Thomas Issac-- one a US citizen and the other the husband of a US citizen-- who enjoy access with the conspiracy square of the CIA in USA, assert the involvement of CIA in 1959 liberation struggle, with vigorous authenticity. A host of opportunistic congress leaders in the magnitude of mr.A.K. Antony still confess the political obesity of the CIA sponsored liberation struggle which provided political food and water to comrade. Sukumar to grow into the monstrous dimensions of an intellectual fallacy. But com.Sukumar would never admit the illicit conspiracy that fuelled the 1959 anti communist project as he identifies the miserable truth that com.Sukumar minus liberation struggle is nothingness.The formative stuff of com.Sukumar as a platform artist is the ultra subhuman tongue deployed in the liberation struggle. As a platform artist, com.Sukumar is the historical link between Kathaprasangam mono drama and mimicry.He substantiates the blissful truth that the genius of an inflated orator is nothing but the glorified version of a mimicry artist.The mimicry artist confesses the social as well as personal absurd that is the destiny of the inhuman times. But the glorious platform orator who holds a very good opinion on himself fails to identify the idiotic excess of the absurd mono drama which he evaluates as sublime oratory .

Now as com.Sukumar displays fecal images to frame vocal abuse against com. Achuthanandan we understand that it is the semantic worm that he inherited from the CIA mission of 1959 that does the mischief.An acquired trait of character by constant interaction with the biology of an organism, gets transformed to a genetic trait of inheritance.It is theory of biological evolution. Anti-communism was a genial thirst that ruined the semantic discipline of com.Sukumar from the the very beginning of his public life .He with his tooth and tail ,throat and tongue was swept by the violence of anti-communist hysteria unleashed by the CIA dons and donors of the 1959 liberation struggle.The anti progressive political inclinations in the original self of com. Sukumar discovered a natal environment in the anti communist liberation struggle of 1959.He conceived himself as a roaring crusade against communism .It was irrepressible expression of a missionary spirit enraged by CIA finance. He was not a recruited agent of CIA but a self imposed CIA missionary who constructed and propagated an aggressive idiom of anticommunist aspersions.As per his joking of 1959 ,hunger was a criminal offence committed by the uncivilized destitute. It was not a noble cause for a meaningful battle.The communists who raised hunger as valid human issue were a race thinking with their bellies.In contrast, as witnessed by the faecal images deployed by com.Sukumar in 2009, he was all the while thinking with the posterior corner of his large intestine as he felt the absence of brain beneath his skull. It stinks when he opens his mouth. .. But it is not his fault. It is is the fault of his thinking apparatus hidden in the posterior area of his digestive track .

In the gospel according to com.Sukumar it is decried : Man degenerates and beast is the degenerate manifest of man. Beast degenerates and communist is the degenerate manifest of beast. The gospel 1959 0f com.Sukumar is a degenerate parody of George Orwell; Com . Sukumar estimates com. Azheekodan Raghavan, A.K.Gopalan or E.M.S.Namboodiripad, all committed communists, as creatures inferior to the beast. As per his gospel all the communist martyrs are creatures inferior to beasts, graciously slaughtered for the aesthetic well being of the superior humans.His estimate of Com.Achuthanandan is consistent with the poisonous gospel he produced in the frenzied moments of the CIA financed project of 1959. Cats,dogs and birds do not defecate where they live. But Achuthanandan does it. Com. Achuthanandan misunderstood the analogy and complained that the prophet of degeneration equated him with dog .No.As a communist com.Achuthanandan has been estimated as a creature inferior to dog which doesn't defecate in its living place. It is an ugly joke manufactured by the CIA pest that penetrated the thinking apparatus of com.Sukmar seated inside his visceral guts .Is com. Sukumar a communist? No.Then why does he intervene in the affairs of the communists?It is yet another route of unauthorised CIA intervention. He enacted the heroic role of political insanity, in the 1959 first liberation struggle . It was aggression conducted by aliens outside the communist party. He made his entry into the political battle as the propagandist- hero roaring for the blood of the communists.Yes . He was the uncrowned intellectual emperor and hero of the first liberation struggle-1959. Now the traditional ambassadors of the CIA claim that a second liberation struggle is nearing its victorious end .The first liberation struggle was an open battle directed against the communist party - a direct aggression by the enemies of the Marxist ideology. But the second liberation struggle is an intrusion and not an open invasion. The Trojan beasts of the CIA intruded into the sensory organs of the organized communist movement , expelled tortured and destroyed the humanist communist presence in the movement. It was a midnight treachery in which comrades with the historic calibre of com. Nripen Chakravarthy were persecuted.It was the midnight operation of the intruder in which almost all the communist bastions fell though some feeble ones like com. Achuthanandan still remain to breath the last drop of existence.The CIA goons mount aggression upon com. Achuthanandan with all their verbal might, for they believe that the fall of Achuthanandan would mark the demise of communism. With the first liberation struggle they could subvert the Communist governance. They thought that it was the end of communist governance. But it regenerated with added vigour as it was the persuasion of history . Now as they conquered the administrative space of the CPM by midnight Trojan killings they assume that it is the victorious end of a second liberation struggle and the end of genuine communist persuasions. A forgery of Marxist ideology is managed by the CIA goons and they hope to replace the genuine communist ideology of Marxism with the forged ideology manufactured by the forces of market economy. The Trojan war yields a a message on strategy of war . What is impossible by an invasion from outside is made possible by a stealthy intrusion. The disaster effected by the first liberation struggle of 1959 is negligibly low when compared to disaster down poured by the silent intrusion which reaches the end phase in 2009. It is a lesson to the communists, but it is neither the end of history nor the end of communism.There are certain laws governing history and the monetary imperialism itself is marching fast towards its death.This proves the futility of the second liberation struggle .Now it is imperial capitalism that parts with the history of humanity and not Marxism departing from its dynamic space in the history..

There is nothing surprising in the appearance of com.Sukumar at the head of the CIA army on a mission of intrusion within the communist movement.He is not at all a CIA recruit . It is neither skill or political craftsmanship that made him the chieftain of the verbal assault project against the genuine communists within the party.It is the congenital inclination and self defeating talent that makes him the envoy of political treachery and corruption . It is not intentional.It is blood and not brain that leads him to the repulsive fatal error. He joined the first liberation struggle as an open mouthed anti communist prepared to die a thousand deaths for the destruction of the communists.Then he was the celebrated intellectual hero of verbal assaults. Later due to some mysterious congenital persuasions he knocked at the doors of the communists . Then he missed the look of the intellectual hero . Not an intellectual hero but an intellectual destitute who demolished the memory of his past for the favour of the communists.Marx proposes a theory: the figures that entered the arena of history as valiant heroes in the past ,later departs history in the frame of clowns with a comic groan.Com. Sukumar after his notorious mission in the first liberation struggle flirted with dons of different ideological power sites and acquired the disposition of a clown dressed in motley. But his original self was rooted in strong anti progressive, inhuman temptations.Now he departs history as the miserable joker of verbal outfits , in the second liberation struggle.

A person incapable of political honesty . An insistent enemy of the communist values .Leader of the intellectual army that invaded the communist camp in 1959. Ladder of the intellectual army that intruded the communist camp in 2009. History of fifty years . History of suicidal self contradictions .Intellectual hero.Intellectual destitute.A phonetic existence with no guts for consistency of ideas . A metaphor rather than man . An illusion and not reality.

For the common man he is an actor attempting all the roles that come in the way . He is a theatre of poor jokes and curious self contradictions.A theatre unreal . He is fiction rather than reality. Experience of the unreal is a consolation to the people living in the disastrous stress of the times .People love him for the sensibility of the unreal. For the insensibility of self contradictions that made him least serious. Comic. In times of great grief people love comedy .People love com. Sukumar for his verbal violence that ridicules his utterances of the past.He is a comedy of verbal self combat. People love him for his ludicrous show of arrogance. Poor old man in his seventies still entertains mass with his semantic gimmicks . He never looks inwards. He is mortally afraid of the memory of of his past with furious anticommunist verbal gutters in it. He doesn't realise the fact that he cannot exhaust the void of the gutter with adulterated Marxism. Yet he demands sympathy from this world .Poor old man who entertains the world with an incessant quarrel against his memory.The great verbal comedy of fatal errors draws tragic affection. People love him .It is compassion.Reward for translating mad intellectual sterility into comic turbulence

2: The Portrait of A CIA Man As A Forged Communist

Monday, June 15, 2009



He is not at all a CIA man but he dedicated the whole length of his life in a platter to the interests of the CIA dons and goons. He perceives the blunt touch of a visionary and prophet in the blinded sight of his soul. So he estimates himself as the SUPERIOR ADVISOR; but not even a single person that extracts his utility for political malice provides permissive sanction to the claim he makes for the title.It is the wish of a man confounded in the psychic deafness of despair. His dream of being or becoming a prophet is only the broken tail of a desire that floats in his evolutionary memory of errors. It is ambition disproportionate to his defunct intelligence. He is used, overused, misused and treacherously abused by his political dons. For a moment's mischievous applause and a pocketful promises he would hire his lip service to persons and sites invested with power irrespective of creed, credibility and credentials of notoriety.

Einstein is a visionary and prophet as he unveils the one and only infinity in the universe, that is human stupidity. There is no infinity in the universe except human stupidity that insists faith in the philosophy of the infinite. It is the physicist defence of the relativity thesis, but its application enlarges the range of Humanities. The SUPERIOR ADVISOR is an exemplary figure that substantiates Einstien's theory of stupidity. The theory is not not a satirical assault upon the mystic infinite. It is truth un mystified.

In certain disgusting situations humans have no other go but to get subjugated under the impelling pressure of stupidity.

In the history of every race a crisis would emerge unsheathing a question: what is your choice? You want to die as a man of moral soil or to live the life of a clown?

In rotten times an existence morally alive is un affordable. So, as and when all the world is a stage, you make a choice between the role of a man of honour and that of a clown. The choice is that of a clown who compromises with the malignancy of situations. A festival of stupidity is the asylum of a race, morally intimidated. A clown is a condensed figure of mocking self penance. The self assumed dis figuration of the body and distorted cries of laughter contain immeasurable despondency repressed in the labyrinth of irony. It is the historical definition of clown.

The communist politics of of the neo colonial Kerala is a full fledged comedy where every dumb viewer as well as actor on stage, is a signature of infinite stupidity. The comic hero of the clown's auditorium is the archaeological figure of an intellectual, com. Sukumar, who is the self-declared Lieutenant of the linguistic campaign of the CIA sponsored anti-communist liberation struggle of 1959. The anti communist litterateur who received favours from the CIA for the production of the idiotic anti communist abuses now makes an astounding declaration that he is the SUPERIOR ADVISOR and patron saint of the degenerate caricature of a communist party, the CPM, a diffident bundle of ideological contradictions.

Now Kerala is is a comedy of horror where the ghost of the obsolete litterateur of the CIA sponsored Liberation Struggle and the patron saint of the dilapidated CPM, comrade Sukumar casts aspersions upon comrade Achuthanandan, an old man with life long communist experiences of the right and wrong commitments of the movement.Comrade Sukumar,once the aggressive vocal activator of the 1959 CIA project and later the vociferous worshipper of of the 1975 Emergency, challenges the communist loyalty of comrade Achuthanadan and designates him as a creature excreting where upon he sits.The CIA goons who made a strategic conquest of the skin beneath the CPM skull celebrated in full throat, the contagious vocal spell of comrade Sukumar, the CIA ally who lead the propagandist wagon of the of the fifty year old liberation struggle. Patrick Moynihan and T.M.Thomas Issac-- one a US citizen and the other the husband of a US citizen-- who enjoy access with the conspiracy square of the CIA in USA, assert the involvement of CIA in 1959 liberation struggle, with vigorous authenticity. A host of opportunistic congress leaders in the magnitude of mr.A.K. Antony still confess the political obesity of the CIA sponsored liberation struggle which provided political food and water to comrade Sukumar to grow into the monstrous dimensions of an intellectual fallacy. But com. Sukumar would never admit the illicit conspiracy that fuelled the 1959 anti communist project as he identifies the miserable truth that com. Sukumar minus liberation struggle is nothingness. The formative stuff of com. Sukumar as a platform artist is the ultra subhuman tongue deployed in the liberation struggle. As a platform artist, com. Sukumar is the historical link between Kathaprasangam mono drama and mimicry. He substantiates the blissful truth that the genius of an inflated orator is nothing but the glorified version of a mimicry artist. The mimicry artist confesses the social as well as personal absurd that is the destiny of the inhuman times. But the glorious platform orator who holds a very good opinion on himself fails to identify the idiotic excess of the absurd mono drama which he evaluates as sublime oratory .
Now as com. Sukumar displays fecal images to frame vocal abuse against com. Achuthanandan we understand that it is the semantic worm that he inherited from the CIA mission of 1959 that does the mischief. An acquired trait of character by constant interaction with the biology of an organism, gets transformed to a genetic trait of inheritance. It is theory of biological evolution. Anti-communism was a genial thirst that ruined the semantic discipline of com. Sukumar from the the very beginning of his public life. He with his tooth and tail, throat and tongue was swept by the violence of anti-communist hysteria unleashed by the CIA dons and donors of the 1959 liberation struggle. The anti progressive political inclinations in the original self of com. Sukumar discovered a natal environment in the anti communist liberation struggle of 1959. He conceived himself as a roaring crusade against communism. It was irrepressible expression of a missionary spirit enraged by CIA finance. He was not a recruited agent of CIA but a self imposed CIA missionary who constructed and propagated an aggressive idiom of anticommunist aspersions.As per his joking of 1959, hunger was a criminal offence committed by the uncivilized destitute. It was not a noble cause for a meaningful battle. The communists who raised hunger as valid human issue were a race thinking with their bellies. In contrast, as witnessed by the faecal images deployed by com. Sukumar in 2009, he was all the while thinking with the posterior corner of his large intestine as he felt the absence of brain beneath his skull. It stinks when he opens his mouth.... But it is not his fault. It is is the fault of his thinking apparatus hidden in the posterior area of his digestive track.

In the gospel according to com. Sukumar it is decried: Man degenerates and beast is the degenerate manifest of man. Beast degenerates and communist is the degenerate manifest of beast. The gospel 1959 0f com. Sukumar is a degenerate parody of George Orwell; Com. Sukumar estimates com. Azheekodan Raghavan, A.K.Gopalan or E.M.S.Namboodiripad, all committed communists, as creatures inferior to the beast. As per his gospel all the communist martyrs are creatures inferior to beasts, graciously slaughtered for the aesthetic well being of the superior humans. His estimate of Com. Achuthanandan is consistent with the poisonous gospel he produced in the frenzied moments of the CIA financed project of 1959. Cats, dogs and birds do not defecate where they live. But Achuthanandan does it. Com. Achuthanandan misunderstood the analogy and complained that the prophet of degeneration equated him with dog . No. As a communist com. Achuthanandan has been estimated as a creature inferior to dog which doesn't defecate in its living place. It is an ugly joke manufactured by the CIA pest that penetrated the thinking apparatus of com. Sukmar seated inside his visceral guts. Is com. Sukumar a communist? No.Then why does he intervene in the affairs of the communists? It is yet another route of unauthorised CIA intervention. He enacted the heroic role of political insanity, in the 1959 first liberation struggle. It was aggression conducted by aliens outside the communist party. He made his entry into the political battle as the propagandist- hero roaring for the blood of the communists. Yes. He was the uncrowned intellectual emperor and hero of the first liberation struggle-1959. Now the traditional ambassadors of the CIA claim that a second liberation struggle is nearing its victorious end. The first liberation struggle was an open battle directed against the communist party - a direct aggression by the enemies of the Marxist ideology. But the second liberation struggle is an intrusion and not an open invasion. The Trojan beasts of the CIA intruded into the sensory organs of the organized communist movement, expelled tortured and destroyed the humanist communist presence in the movement. It was a midnight treachery in which comrades with the historic calibre of com. Nripen Chakravarthy were persecuted. It was the midnight operation of the intruder in which almost all the communist bastions fell though some feeble ones like com. Achuthanandan still remain to breath the last drop of existence.The CIA goons mount aggression upon com. Achuthanandan with all their verbal might, for they believe that the fall of Achuthanandan would mark the demise of communism. With the first liberation struggle they could subvert the Communist governance. They thought that it was the end of communist governance. But it regenerated with added vigour as it was the persuasion of history. Now as they conquered the administrative space of the CPM by midnight Trojan killings they assume that it is the victorious end of a second liberation struggle and the end of genuine communist persuasions. A forgery of Marxist ideology is managed by the CIA goons and they hope to replace the genuine communist ideology of Marxism with the forged ideology manufactured by the forces of market economy.
The Trojan war yields a a message on strategy of war. What is impossible by an invasion from outside is made possible by a stealthy intrusion. The disaster effected by the first liberation struggle of 1959 is negligibly low when compared to disaster down poured by the silent intrusion which reaches the end phase in 2009. It is a lesson to the communists, but it is neither the end of history nor the end of communism.There are certain laws governing history and the monetary imperialism itself is marching fast towards its death.This proves the futility of the second liberation struggle. Now it is imperial capitalism that parts with the history of humanity and not Marxism departing from its dynamic space in the history.
There is nothing surprising in the appearance of com. Sukumar at the head of the CIA army on a mission of intrusion within the communist movement. He is not at all a CIA recruit. It is neither skill or political craftsmanship that made him the chieftain of the verbal assault project against the genuine communists within the party. It is the congenital inclination and self defeating talent that makes him the envoy of political treachery and corruption. It is not intentional.It is blood and not brain that leads him to the repulsive fatal error. He joined the first liberation struggle as an open mouthed anti communist prepared to die a thousand deaths for the destruction of the communists. Then he was the celebrated intellectual hero of verbal assaults. Later due to some mysterious congenital persuasions he knocked at the doors of the communists. Then he missed the look of the intellectual hero. Not an intellectual hero but an intellectual destitute who demolished the memory of his past for the favour of the communists. Marx proposes a theory: the figures that entered the arena of history as valiant heroes in the past, later departs history in the frame of clowns with a comic groan. Com. Sukumar after his notorious mission in the first liberation struggle flirted with dons of different ideological power sites and acquired the disposition of a clown dressed in motley. But his original self was rooted in strong anti progressive, inhuman temptations. Now he departs history as the miserable joker of verbal outfits, in the second liberation struggle.
A person incapable of political honesty. An insistent enemy of the communist values. Leader of the intellectual army that invaded the communist camp in 1959. Ladder of the intellectual army that intruded the communist camp in 2009. History of fifty years. History of suicidal self contradictions. Intellectual hero. Intellectual destitute. A phonetic existence with no guts for consistency of ideas. A metaphor rather than man. An illusion and not reality.
For the common man he is an actor attempting all the roles that come in the way. He is a theatre of poor jokes and curious self contradictions.A theatre unreal. He is fiction rather than reality. Experience of the unreal is a great relief. People love comedy. People love com. Sukumar for his verbal violence that ridicules his utterances of the past. He is a comedy of verbal self combat. Poor old man in his seventies still entertains mass with his semantic gimmicks. He never looks inwards. He is mortally afraid of the memory of of his past with furious anticommunist verbal gutters in it. He doesn't realise the fact that he cannot exhaust the void of the gutter with adulterated Marxism. Yet he demands sympathy from this world. Poor old man who entertains the world with an incessant quarrel against his memory. The great verbal comedy of fatal errors draws tragic affection. People love him. It is compassion.Reward for translating mad intellectual sterility into comic turbulence.

The Portrait of A CIA Man As A Forged Communist

He sinned and chose sinning as his profession for he gets no chance to escape the dread that is his profession.A person once caught in the eye of the CIA needle conforms his existence to a dungeon of timid stealth and filth. He is a skeleton in the cupboard of ignominy stored in his psychic serfdom. He may be made a finance minister. He may climb up to the top of the party which he digs to demolish and play the intimidator with the consignment of blackmailing records provided by his pay masters. The intimidator who keeps in custody, the records of horrid wrongs committed by top comrades. He enjoys power as he over powers human political honesty with cruel audacity. Power is the compensation. He feels enthralled with the criminal joy of power. But it does not heal the stench of ulcerous betrayal that signify his existence. Betrayal is his profession. Is betrayal talent inherent in his neural fibroid?
He measures the figure of his bearded
kurta with confounded eyes and pretends self-complacency just to betray his mortified desire of freedom.His dress code alien to Kerala is a prison that marks espionage identify. Not imposing. But imposed upon his.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Editorial Treachery

His highness EDITOR belongs to the pedigree of mythological gods and there is nothing shocking with the contradictions in his discourses which amount to dismal faceless-ness as
deities are avtars of manifest miracles with no stable face, frame or content. A post-communist deity of the wretched media stock- market, identified by monstrous lack of shame? A shameless preposterous editor of political treachery?No sir. It is lack,justified by the metaphysics of absence . Read Derrida and poison your brain so that you may not die out of the poverty of shame. The EDITOR is the ideal example never perturbed with the poverty of shame for he feels absolute nothingness in the space termed moral conscience. He sucks sustenance from a Switzerland Christian funding agency-Deity wedded to the Swiss ALMIGHTY pulls apart his fierce jaws, opens his ugly mouth for the prestigious show of the viswaroopa, the enormous might of reckless betrayal :He swallows the tradition of a great newspaper ,play a game of glorious battle with Bofors, pollutes environment with pro Marxist utterances but,alas, and at last, the little imp of the colonial lagoons takes a funded bath, drinking honey from the guts of the terror broker and murderous corrupter, SNC Lavalin. The brittle warrior who opened a valiant battle against Bofors , criticizes the Governor with a gracious intent to protect the stinking citizens revealed from the hidden grounds unwound by Lavalin.The sense organs stand partisan between Bofors and Lavalin. The political genealogy and the monetary genealogy of the Swiss-fed, Swiss-wedded deity is exposed from the topless crown to the nail less bottom . The editorial history that smashes the front bone of Bofors and demands the crucifixion of the Governor, finds not even a simple procedural error in the great Lavalin forgery of truth . See, the common sense of commonalty is a flawless apprehensive power .Don't teach them constitutional gymnastics for the sole cause that you don't feel shame. A shameless creature , a breed of post- Communist deity is bound to pay some returns for the funds received from the colonial masters .

Thursday, June 11, 2009

NGO MACHINERY : Financial armoury of neocolonialism


The intrusion of the imperialist Trojan beasts into the visceral space of the party created a challenging crisis in the entire communist force outside and inside the party. The challenge was taken up by the cultural activists who deciphered the shady financial deals circulated by the army of non governmental organisations deployed by U.S. imperialism. The NGOs dressed in distinct ideological hues of development, feminism, dalitism, tribalism identity politics and such other attractive attires of charity received substantial funds as grants from foreign funding agencies sponsored by CIA and its organ USAID----united states agency for international development---The funded NGOs were distributed with a definite purpose to conquer space for the colonial donors at the governmental and non governmental levels. The governments, ruling political parties and the bureaucracy were reduced to the level of self-sold commission agents of the colonial forces and and the prime ministers chief ministers and the overcrowded wagons of ministerial clowns claimed that they were not providers but facilitators of foreign colonial investors. They admitted their failure in production and so they surrendered the burden of national level production to the multinational production forces. Our national political masters conceded the abject subjugation that testified to their imbecile political impudence and cerebral impotence The massive force of productive labour that sustained the honour of the nation was sold out at the cheapest rates to the murderous stations of market economy. The USAID project introduced under the banner of decentralization demolished centralised economy. The right to centralised mega production was taken away by the multinationals and the people living in India were given convincing advice to expend their energy in micro production enterprises. The Indians as well as the State are supposed to work out simple development projects that sustain the environment unhurt. We, the race subjugated by the NGO forces armed with funding (maintaining concealed complementary links with terrorist subversive groups) are supposed to conserve the environment untouched, for our shameless political leaders have received huge funds to facilitate the colonization of environment accompanying the foreign NGO investment. Digging deep into the conserved racial memory embedded in in the archaic passion for nature, neo-colonialism raised a thesis of defense for sustaining environment untouched. The third world was hired by the philosophy of environmental empathy which resisted all genetic human constructivity which consistently interacted with the given environment. Human exploration of the hidden potentials of the given environment as well as the possibility of recycling of the vestiges of interaction into the substance of fertility was ignored. Ecological system is a formation of nature, but environment is the product of interaction between man and the given system of ecology, even while man is part of the ecosystem as an animal, a living organism. Environment itself is the product of creative engineering of ecology which is fundamentally dynamic. The capitalist exploitation of the fueling power of ecosystem ruins the structure of ecology as it drains the dynamism embedded in it. Capitalist profiteering machinery breeds anti human paralysis of environmental creativity. It exploits the potentials of eco-bound environment. After a thorough exploitation of the ecological riches of environment in the west, the capitalist forces contemplated subtle invasion into the environmental power structure of the third world nations. They wanted to preserve the environmental assets of the third world untouched by the third world nations, for them to exploit. No revolutionary engineering or restructuring of the environment which improves the dynamism of environment and which consequently enlarges the dynamism of production and creative necessity of humanity is admitted by the neocolonial schools of post-modern thought. For the last three decades neocolonialism has been administering colonisation of third world environment with its global players. This may be exemplified with the colonisation of water in the state of Kerala.

Water is the major structural source that determines the ecological reserve, environmental genealogy, economy and consequently the cultural heritage and ETHOS of Malayalee. As a rich environmental substance and a theme that cultivated the material and cerebral fertility of Kerala,water sustains a vital role in the cultural economy of Kerala and its engineering of production. Even in the pre-independence days electricity was identified as the greatest potential of water that envigorated the cological dynamism. Exploration of the potentials of water to the possible highest level for the largest quantum of production is common sense and logic. Such an exploration at the modest level enhanced the vitality of agricultural irrigation and industry during the pre-independence period and the logical glory of water as the purest fuelling substance was accepted as notion cemented with truth. We can have fuel power from heated coal or atomic mineral or oil that pollutes our sensibility. But water, the mighty ecological fuel force in no way pollutes the sap of life on earth.

The colonial powers as they deployed environmental and developmental NGOs at the international level targeted the water governed economy of Kerala as a major destination. The Government of Netherlands a subordinate player of the USAID, the global player of financial terrorism, made hidden encroachment beneath the Authority of Water entertained by the State. This colonial invasion of the water fed environment of Kerala was guided chiefly by Thomas Issac, who now has been exposed as an ardent philosopher of colonial funding manipulated by WB, ADB, USAID and other colonial stations. This treacherous project manipulated by the Netherlands was conspired at the quarters of an NGO, Programme Community Organisation which entertained curious links with M.P.Parameswaran another USAID philosopher, dressed in ascetic communist fabric. Thomas Issac, the herdsman of the USAID philosophers, who played a dominant role in the colonisation of Kerala environment most skilfully concealed his familial and personal bondage with the U.S. coloniser for at least three decades even after he got married to a feminist professor of USAID university and the director of a feminist NGO run by USAID and Ford Foundation. As per the USAID philosophy of 'sustainable development', the third world races are permitted to get involved in micro production enterprises that sustain the environment chaste or untouched or even if touched the quantum and frame of environment should be sustained with out any creative interaction. The right to cultivate, exploit, pollute or deface the terrestrial environment, lies with the authors of mega production, the multinational corporations. The third world--the term ceases to exist with the political demise of the second world but still its currency is maintained---race of clowns are given the generous right to develop micro level production sustaining terrestrial resources, air and water undisturbed, in the given frame of ecology, so that the the colonial forces get an opportunity to plunder and exploit the fathomless potentials embedded in the ecological straits. The measureless riches of nature are kept in its original productive power, for the colonial powers, to plunder, exploit, pollute and deface for global mega production enterprises. The environmental NGOs are deployed by its colonial masters to resist native mega productive interactions of the subjugated races with their environment and preserve it for the use of multinational colonial forces.


To colonise the environment the USAID-Netherlands nexus prepared a project focusing a subtle aggression upon the material expanse of water. Water is the implicit as well as explicit source of the greenery extravaganza that marks Kerala's environmental splendour. It is the SAKTHI that maintained the performance or utterances of the environment. So the conquest of water means conquest of entire environment. By the end 1970s the USAID philosophers clad in Marxism opened the track for the Netherlands to make a smooth entry into the area of water resources in Kerala and this eventually lead to the USAID's (under the cover of the Netherlands) financial occupation of hydro-generation and distribution projects in Kerala. After two or three decades we come to know the state government has surrendered its authority of water distribution, water distribution has been decentralised and the use of water in Kerala is strictly regulated by the ten commandments of the WorldBank a financial instrument of the colonial USAID. Later Keralites heard of Japan drinking water project another fragment of hydro-distribution fantasy cultivated by financial colonialism. The curious question that shoots up in this context is why we found ourselves incapable of exploring the potentials of our water lying under our feet. Water ceases to be our birth right ,the gift of our ecological genealogy . It has been transformed to the product of the skilled generosity of the foreign financiers.We do not suffer the lack of engineering talent, expertise or technological acumen or machinery. We do not lack instruments of production or skilled labourer. Even then we sold out the space of water and preferred a withdrawal of all our skill, imagination, efficiency and creativity because the colonial financiers conquered the space of water investing huge funds. The loss of authority of water means the loss of power, freedom, the loss of existence. As advised by the USAID philosopher the state retreated from the public utility service of water and the environment characterised and defined by water was commodified by the foreign colonisers.


Commodification here means the act of of converting eco-environmental features into the format of commodity. At the end of 1970s the colonising forces of market started a world-wide campaign for unpolluted environment raising resistance against hydro electric projects such as Silent Valley project in Kerala. Water explored for the necessity of electric fuel, or electricity itself is not a commodity but part of utility service justified by the laws of necessity. It is an accepted humanist perception that no surplus value shall be be extracted from the elements of environment or the ecological substance of water. But the sea shores, lake shores, rivers, lagoons and forest were preserved by the funded environmental army of the coloniser with concealed intention to convert all such sites of protected environment into saleable commodity. The MNCS and the global capitalist market preserved the environment primarily for the development of tourism market which raped the very substance of humanity and vulgarised it into a state of polluted animality with its annexures of sex and drugs industry. Man as part of environment is a beautiful animal but as he or she falls in subjugation to the strategy of market economy which converts water or environment into a saleable commodity, he or she undergoes a metamorphosis It is growth --they say development --but it is the growth of the ugly dead corpus, which smells foul like the rotten brain of the Trojan beast infected with greed and lust Humanity as well as animality is polluted. The hired USAID economist in bearded communist kurta licks the luxury of finance out of the colonial master's feet with an astounding vow that he would convert the whole of Kerala into a massage parlour just to entertain his master breeds. The Water Theme Park is an inexcusable instance for representing water as manipulated luxury and saleable commodity. The enormous expansion of tourism imperium is a product of market economy. The environment as a whole is converted into a material of saleable commodity. The imperium of environment that sells pleasure to the foreigners for the price of immunity deficiency syndrome creates a generation of invalids and pimps whose labour power and impulses of production are massacred. The intervention of Netherlands, Japan, World Bank and other USAID institutions established the fact that we are a race incapable of digging out our water lying under-ground in our soil. To bring it out we want to have the financial assistance from the USAID-donors. Drinking water is the prime necessity of a community and it shall be the first priority of any sensible government, the sovereign authority of which no sensible state would ever surrender. Think of the Arabs surrendering the authority of their oil wells for the returns of funds from the USAID. The Arabs cannot do it with their oil well, but we can do it with our water wells because we are a people enraptured by the fantasy of cerebral blackdeath cultivated by the Financial Providence, the post-communist Almighty. So the World Bank comes to us, put a funnel into our mouth measure the quantity of water we are supposed to consume and take money out of our pockets that is the market price of water. The authority of water is taken away as we could not explore our water resources using intelligence, skill, sense and sensibility. In the structure of our political memory, freedom is a commitment stirred by the struggle for the authority of salt. We, the humans are the salt of the earth. So we would not surrender the authority of salt, said the martyr race of yesterday. But we, the soulless clowns never resisted the intervention of the financiers for we concede that we are not the authors of water. Author is dead? No. Financier is the author. Financier is the authority. The British deployed guns for the conquest of salt. The race of the martyrs resisted. The Netherlands, WB, Japan, USAID and the MNCs deployed finance for the conquest of water. The race of clowns enjoyed it. The Trojan beasts philosophised it.


So the paymasters create artificial water theme in abundance to establish the luxury of water extravaganza Water is sold out in the form of sight, sound and sense impressions. Exploration of subdued energy potentials, generative dynamics of electricity is not the use of water. Touch not water for such productive utilities. Make water the glorious extravaganza of the tourism market imperium whether it be sea, river, lake, lagoon, waterfall or parks where financiers engineer water theme games. In Kerala, Palakkad district is the worst sufferer of the scarcity of drinking water. So the multinationals marked it as the chosen space for their aggressive projects of Coca-cola and Pepsi. For the interest of industrial profiteering they would have chosen some other water rich soil. They came to Palakkad not for industry but for aggression--to pollute water, to poison water wells and to drain the last drop of water from dreadful dearth. It is financial aggression; It is financial terrorism. And they knew how to market water tapped from the ground beneath our feet. In the bottled banner of Aqafina the MNC sells our water drawn from our feet at the rate of fifteen rupees per litre.

The world bank asks us to minimise the consumption of water because the market wants water in great measure to be sold out in the poisoned label of pepsi and coca cola, Or the MNCs may extract our water, fill it in the bottles and sell it for fifteen rupees per litre. The foreigner comes to us, donate money to extract water out of our soil and sell our water to us at the rate of fifteen rupees per litre !!!!. Thus water has been transcended into a saleable commodity, a feature quite unbelievable some thirty years back. The entry of the Multinational companies into the drinking water sector as well as marketisation of water to the the tourism design of water theme park is the curious consequence of foreign financial intervention in the state's sovereign authoriry of water. It is a plot initiated by the USAID through the Netherlands some four decades back. Our disfigured body of aqua economics breeds a horrifying vision in the ecological memory-----heavy loads of water being imported as all our water pools are contaminated with Mida's touch of tourism imperium which spreads the pestilence of immunity deficiency virus in great quantum. This is the dreadful virus of financial colonialism.

TOUCH NOT WATER was the commandment of the hegemonic super power that eliminated the fundamental human rights of the working class in the pre-British Brahminical colonial India. The domestic colonialism in India before the arrival of the British was rather savage when compared to the military colonialism of the British. The British colonialism is rather barbarian (though civil and democratic at a deceptive level) when compared to the present day financial colonialism. But the most treacherous species which reduced the colonised humans to a degraded community of biologic pests is the post modern financial colonialism. In Brahminical as well as British type of colonialism the terror of bodily repression was the prime source of colonisation. In the historical context of slavery a person physically subjugated was bought and sold as slave. But in financial colonialism a person with no such persuasion of physical repression sells himself to his financier, buys or borrows psycho pathological sites of pestilence for him to live. In the early forms of colonialism the surfacing contradiction was that of the victor and the victim, of the master and the slave. But in the present day financial colonialism the surfacing contradiction is a farcical compromise between the facilitator and the provider. The facilitator is an ugly creature who betrays the entire community for the benefit of bribe. The facilitator is made king of obscene pestilence by his financier.

As per the genaeological myth of Kerala, the land of Kerala was reclaimed from water by Parasurama. The role of water in the genesis of Kerala becomes significant as later the Brahminical laws forbid the outcast race from taking water out of constructed wells and bathing pools. Water then meant power. That was why water was forbidden to the outcast race. The landlord could dig deep private wells and swimming pools for his community. The landless outcast could not do it for he had no land. In the present context of financial colonialism the Brahminical order revisits our country. The landlords of the day would construct water theme parks. But the common man is forbidden from constructing private wells for him. Free use of water is banned. The use of water is regulated not to make it available for the poor who suffer the scarcity of water. It is for the interest of the MNCs who sell water, the funnel that measures the permissible quantum of water is imposed in your throat. The land lord could dig water out of the land.... but the tenant could not. So the landlord imposed prohibitions and dictated terms. Here the outcast state of Kerala or the marginalised nations were not capable of digging water out of their land. But USAID could do it. Netherlands could do it. World Bank could do it. Japan could do it. So all such colonial forces and sources that occupy the place of the Brahmin coloniser impose prohibition, regulations and dictate terms as the Brahmin colonial masters did. You have no land and so you cannot dig the land or touch water dug out--said the primitive coloniser. Though you have ten or twenty cents of land you cannot dig a well or consume the free use of water, says the financial coloniser. I take water at will for my thevaram, but you cannot take it for drinking--said the primitive Brahmin. I take water for water theme park but you cannot take it for wetting your throat says the neocoloniser. I would sell your water that I dug out--says the financial coloniser. So touch not water but purchase it if you are drained of thirst. The outcast could not dig water out of his feet. Your government also could not dig water out of your feet A pest of finance entered your brain and then the decision -what to do with water- was left to us who dug out water from your feet marginalising your government. Touch not water in the Silent Valley nor cultivate electric energy out of it. It would transmit power in the structure of your existence and you would not then lie beneath our legs with a begging bowl for finance. So we deployed a funded army of environmental soldiers to arrest the production of electricity in the holy name of the untouchable environment.


Kerala's economy is genaeologically water centred and colonisation of water inevitably upsets the aqua economy of the tiny spatial compass of Kerala. Electricity and irrigation are the seminal vehicles of Kerala's aqua economy and the USAID and its allies by the financial intervention paralysed the movement of the vehicles. Electricity is the highest potential force embedded in water and mega hydel level production of electricity would invigorate the dynamism of the ecological power reserves. The funded agitations directed against power generation from water have frustrated the vigor of ecological dynamism to the depth of mortal deterioration.

One Maurice Strong who is projected by US colonialism as the omnipotent omnipresent giant of the neo colonial period is the founder chairman of Canadian International Development agency--CIDA - a subordinate of the USAID which is the chief financier of the US(Israel) terrorist force Mossad. He, as per the US fables of metamorphosis is the governing person of a company known as SNC Lavalin which is notorious for treacherous war crime activities. CIDA is a global financial player involved in the Cou-de-tat in Haiti conspired by the CIA against the leftist ruler Bertrand Aristide. SNC Lvalin the twin brother of CIDA states in its annual report that it has certain secret bondage with CIDA. At the sometime the official spokes person of the Canadian government admits that the Canadian Intelligence agency is not capable of operating alone and a joint operation with Mossad is rationally preferred by the Canadian Intelligence. As one goes through the Maurice Strong myth created by the US, the omnipotent patriarch is supposed to father both SNC Lavalin and CIDA which are the stand byes of USAID, CIA and Mossad. SNC Lavalin under the disguise of a construction company wins contracts for various projects at the global level but its chief field of operation is war and Mossad style terrorism. The people of Canada call this murderous company, DEATH SQUAD, WAR PROFITEER etc. The Lavalin supplied arms and ammunition to the US-NATO murderers in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia and Haiti. The relevant question is why a Kerala minister who preserves distant memories of an ex-communist signed a contract with a terrorist institution fathered by Maurice Strong -- a company which supplies weapons to butcher communists and innocent civilians allover the surface of the earth. He signed the contract to betray Kerala's hydro electric projects at the head quarters of CIDA which is an accomplished financing centre that conspires anti communist actvities and fix bribes for the murder of communists. At CIDA the ex-communist who still claims to be a communist, probably had a bloodbath in the martyr theme park. There he probably drank a cup of blood drawn from the voices of the beheaded communists.

Now the people of Kerala are convinced of the fact that SNC Lavalin was quite incapable of managing or mending the machinery of kerala hydro electric projects. Yet it could win the contract for the stooges of CIDA and USAID. A very pertinent question arises why Lavalin made such an incursion into the Kerla hydro electric stations. It was a Maurice Strong project. Maurice Strong the mythical giant performer in the US manipulated fables, is the founder of CIDA, the dictatorial governor of Lavalin, the patron saint of Mossad and the inventor of the thesis of globalisation says the gospel according to US colonialism. He was also the founder of the global environment movement. He was the vice chairman of the World Wild Life, the chief funding station of the environmental NGOs deployed by the US. He was the vice chairman of WWF at the time when the stations of neocolonialism introduced a battle against the proposed hydro electric project at the Silent Valley. As and when he was the vice chairman of the WWF the WWF released generous funds to the environmental army that stalled generation of electricity at the Silent Valley. It was a negative intervention against production of energy from water. It meant colonisation of water and the productive power of water. Maurice is now supposed to be the governor of Lavalin that made another ugly intervention in Kerala's hydro electric projects. It is not accidental that the fictitious(?) figure Maurice founded and nurtured CIDA, WWF AND LAVALIN the institutions that charted colonial interventions in our aqua energy sector.

** S. Sudhish

Loksabha Elections:

Karat and Co. Fail to Root out CPM

Yes, CPM is a massive ideological sign representing a meaningful leftist bent of mind that envigorates the historical and political unconscious of India .Its roots, that clutch deep in the genetic memory of different shades of class struggles, can never be plucked out by the dubious political games played by the U.S. sponsored leadership of the CPM.

Some four years back while criticizing CPM for its grave ideological offences PATOM observed that, if the CPM survives to exist even after its liquidator Pinarayi is installed as its secretary, no force on earth would ever be able to destroy it in Kerala . Pinarayi Vijayan is not a subtle player; He is direct and straight forward. A person suffering from acute ideological illiteracy is easily struck by the lust of power. Pinarayi, a militant field-- politician, forgot all his passionate love for the Marxist jargons, (the meaning , conviction or idea beneath such terminology were never his concern)sailed headlong into the trap of temptations, laid by the agents of neocolonialism. He was the victim of a conspiracy manipulated by friends and relatives of USAID, FORD and Franke, a group of vicious pseudo intellectuals who migrated into the power sites of the CPM.

Pinarayi was mercilessly utilized by the US agents to play foul games disastrous to the political integrity of the CPM. To eliminate the ideological will that sustains the revolutionary charge of the nation and to liquidate its massive Marxist organization, the agents of neo colonialism concocted a Marxist leadership figure, marked with fascist linguistic gestures, violent lust of power and disgusting show of arrogance. Originally Pinarayi was not made of such incorrigible stuff or he was incapable of committing gruesome ideological mischief .The illicit monetary favours that the CPM received from the multinational business houses, the bribes it received from colonial global players ADB, World Bank. UNESCO,UNDP etc. for implementing projects of financial colonialism and the corrupted loads of currency drawn from underworld financial dealers, neocolonial funding agencies, communalist forces, foreign funded religious heads (mathas and pithas),funded NGOs with anticommunist destinations under secular masks, human organs traders, real estate mafia, lottery mafia, spirit mafia and all such criminal forces undermining the economy of the nation ruined the ideological integrity of the organization .The power-brokers of corporate capitalism crept into the head of the party organization and created a breeding space for ugly greed of wealth and power that substituted the spirit of conviction and ideological commitment .The carnage of class ideology celebrated at the international level provided logic for the conspired deterioration of the organization and it was hailed as the idealistic transfiguration of communism attuned to the necessity and destiny of time.

The paid agents of corporate capitalism wanted to have a person with approved political experience to captain the tragic decline and fall of the movement .Unfortunately Pinarayi was picked, packed and installed in the position of the liquidator of party values, for the stooges of corporate houses found in him great guts of professionalism antithetical to the visionary self dedication that fuels the Marxist social consciousness.

Pinarayi hailed as a skilful ‘professional communist’ was taught how to run the party in the shape of a business house making contemptible profit out of collection and commission in large volumes. He was installed in such a position, not by his choice but by chance, consequential to the inner party feuds emerging from the contest for power and wealth shored and shared between the party lords. He was not able to extricate himself from the mission thrust upon him –to act as the terminator of the communist heritage. He was lead from wrongs to wrongs and advised to attest criminal contracts such as one with the SNC Lavalin--the weapon trader company sponsored by the US imperialism, and the chief marketing source of terrorism in the Indian sub-continent. Lured by the huge amount of bribe offered by the CIDA-LAVALIN nexus, he attested the robbery of the public exchequer executed by the murderous arms-dealer. He failed to discover the painful fact he was only a pawn in the hands of the agents of financial colonialism who administered the outrageous crimes within and out the party, and the same vicious creatures reared by the foreign funding agencies projected the Lavalin contract as the major issue to be tested in the Loksabha elections. Though Lavalin contract was not his personal crime he was assigned to take its corrupted weight upon his neck, and carry the stinking load throughout the streets of Kerala in a boisterous road show, Nava Kerala Yathra, a detestable festival - extravaganza created out of spurious money power.

As we consider the political reasons for the defeat of the CPM in the parliament elections in Kerala, Pinarayi or Pinarayism happens to be the common man’s answer. But Pinarayi is only the condensed metaphor and signifier of the ideological disaster of the party organization manned by Prakash and co. It is absurd to put the blame upon Pinarayi at the personal level for he was not the manipulator of the ideological betrayal but a bodily existence exploited to project the ideological black death effected by the paid agents of financial colonialism. Earlier comrade Prakash stated that there are certain inner party problems or conflicting views in Kerala party . The lord of the ‘available’ P.B. could sort out the problems always justifying the pro-colonial, anti-people position taken by Pinarayi for it was a position borrowed from the lord of the polit-bureaucracy who excelled in masking political betrayal by a farcical display of revolutionary rhetoric.

Prakash, skillfully degraded ideological conflicts to the level of personal feuds and so the left parties CPI,RSP etc. in the diagnosis of election defeat identifies the open conflict between Kerala chief minister and the party secretary as the major reason that defaced the credibility of the left . The war of words between the two Kerala lords provided anticlimaxes in plenty as the rebellious hero preferred abject surrender of the cause whenever the P.B. intervened lending support to his adversary .The necessary damage done by this word combat between the two battling heads was part of a game conspired by the enemies of the party who mastered the politburo, which in its attempt to befool the Indian communist consciousness downed itself to the level of a poor joke. The P.B. lords in private, promised confidential support to the ideological war lead by the old man Achuthanandan and encouraged him to continue the farce of a battle with all his fancied might and betrayed him on all occasions of decisions . The poor old man who over- estimated his political honesty kept the momentum of defiance alive and repeatedly got humiliated by the lords at Delhi . The protestant hero directed his wrath against the solid Malabar lobby but never spoke a word against the masters of betrayal at Delhi who pinned him down to disfigured pieces of a caricature or against the foreign colonial masters who tutored the Delhi caucus titled available politburo .Pinarayism, a parody of fascist antics and attitudes, was a creation of the imperialist stooges at Delhi . Prakash the chief administrator of this travesty always looked different within the disguise of revolutionary fabric prepared for him by the likes of N.Raman of Switzerland, the frontline worshipper of Lufthansa Airways, a generous funding site that directed the party lords towards the routes of monetary fanaticism . The conflict in the CPM of Kerala originated from the ideological decay of the party at the national level. Though com. Achuthanandan made a sound defense of the accomplished party ideals with a show of exemplary earnestness, the advisory tacticians who directed his self defeating battle were all Karat’s men. The Pinarayi camp of course is run by Karat’s men keeping open allegiance to the USAID –-whereas the Achuthanandan camp is set alive by another group of Karat’s men keeping confidential allegiance to the USAID. The objective of the USAID men installed at the forward line of both the quarrelling troupes is to distract people’s attention from the disastrous ideological deviations and to convert the conflicts emerging from such ideological crises into feuds of narrow private interests.

The open financial intervention of the USAID in people’s development planning in Kerala as well as the direct intervention the anti-communist imperialist funding agency CIDA in the SNC Lavalin contract best exemplifies the ideological annihilation suffered by the party organization. The shocking political fact that SNC Lavalin itself is the global terror broker , weapon trader and war conductor- company run by US financial fascism is still hidden from the knowledge of the leftist population, as com. Achuthanandan ignores with deliberate ease the US bondage of Lavalin and creates a wild misapprehension, that Pinarayi caught in the trap of Lavalin and not Lavalin, is the detestable criminal that digs the burial ditch for the party organization. The anti –communist, pro-colonial political content in these deals is camaflagoued by the sound and the fury of the personal feuds blown up to enormous dimensions by the tacticians deployed by Karat . By a subtle intervention in the Malappuram state conference Karat subverted the inner party democracy in Kerala ; the party thereafter became a station of contaminated democracy where majority was acquired by bargained defections, termination- threats and temptations of different shades .An operation Achuthanandan scheme, was the strategic entertainment program organized by Karat men in the Pinarayi camp; The Pinarayi camp overjoyed with the manipulated force of animal majority directed their might of aggression against Achuthanadan. This was done for the convenience of Karat who would never speak a word about or against the imperial terrorist agenda of CIDA or Lavalin while accusing Achutanandan for his void battle against Pinarayi-Lavalin contract. Karat a sure beneficiary of all such illicit deals with USAID,CIDA and Lavalin successfully personalized political issues for the benefit of his power.

The Lavalin issue, the minority community fixation that ended in disgusting alliance with Islamic fundamentalism and phantoms of terrorism, wresting seats from the LDF constituents for the goons of underworld financiers, surrender of secular political ideology and the acceptance of the necessity of subjugation to the Church and the Hindu communal organizations and all such crimes committed by the Kerala constituent of the party emerge from the reckless ideological malpractices forwarded by the central leadership of the CPM, contained by four or five persons loyal to the global imperialism. Kerala is the only state that raised a vehement resistance against this anti-Marxist infiltration that ruined the text and texture of the party..

The indiscipline, in fight, flow of defectors from one group to the other and all such miscellaneous political obscenities testify to the rotting of the party at the national level .This is not at all a Kerala feature , but as the only party organization that raised potential resistance against the self ruining ideological deterioration, the Kerala party was subjected to the back -handed aggression from the infiltrated monetary power of the USAID. A person by name Pharris Abubaker with some undesirable monetary background purchased a news paper for the specific purpose of assassinating the stress of ideological conviction within the CPM. It was a sample of filthy monetary aggression , which demoralized and blackmailed the fighting comrades within the party and as they fell, the USAID men purchased the hacked support of the comrades befallen and enslaved them offering sumptuous personal deals and thus ensured the animal majority within the party. The way the USAID-Karat nexus purchased the animal majority is exposed to the eyes of the public with its irrepressible ugliness. Com. Achuthanandan who initiated a battle against the ideological betrayal is cornered and he is now misguided by the disguised agents of financial colonialism, appointed from Karat’s caravan.